DNA Cascais's principal lines of action include the capture, and development of skills and knowledge throughout the promotion and encouragement of creativity and innovation.

Young, Social and Creative Entrepreneurship

To diversify and operate in all sectors of activity, age groups and profiles. Come find out how!

Ideas, Business and Internationalization

To identify and scale ideas and businesses with our own tested and recognized methodology.


To support in the attraction of investment. Microcredit, Business Angels and Venture Capital, are some ways to finance your business. Evaluate the best solution!


To support entrepreneurs, projects and organizations in their different stages. Be part of this ecosystem!

Latest News


Literacia Financeira I - O grande desafio da preparação para a vida adulta Crescer é um desafio. Estamos numa constante transformação que nos faz olhar para o mundo de formas diferentes, superar as nossas dificuldades e, acima de tudo, aprender alguma coisa com elas. No meio desta metamorfose e deste mundo complexo, a vida adulta [...]

  • Steve Jobs

    “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

  • Peter Druker

    “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

  • Fernando Pessoa

    “All is worthwhile if the soul is not small.”

  • F. Roosevelt

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”

  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    “Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.”

  • Aristotle

    “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

DNA Cascais

Entrepreneurship agency of the municipality of Cascais, with the aim of supporting and promoting the creation of businesses and to accompany their first years of activity.


Be the first to receive news, and to get to know the new projects in our county.


Companies Supported
New Jobs
Contacts With Entrepreneurs
m2 Incubation

DNA Cascais Companies

